Digital Audio Equipment

Rotor-EZ Trouble Shooting


  1. Verify FLOW CONTROL IS NONE (H/W flow will cause it to fail)
  2. For 9-pin connector bug from where cable plugs into computer pin 2 to PCB pad "T"
  3. For 9-pin connector bug from where cable plugs into computer pin 3 to PCB pad "U"
  4. For 9-pin connector bug from where cable plugs into computer pin 5 to chassis:
  5. Start terminal emulator set to:  Baud Rate 4800, Data Bits 8, Parity None, Stop Bits 1, and Flow None
  6. Verify voltage at pad "U" is -7.7vdc (This could easily very by %10)
  7. Press the CAPS LOCK, all commands are uppercase
  8. Hold uppercase 'V' key and verify voltage at pad "U" is -7.3vdc (This could easily very by %10, but the voltage should be significantly less than the prior step)

A failure here indicate a cable or PC problem.

  1. Remove the processor U1. Using a small piece of wire short U1 pins 17 and 18. Startup the terminal emulator (select the correct serial port, disable terminal ECHO), type on the keyboard and verify that what is typed is echoed to the display. This "wrap back mode" verifies that the serial communication is good all the way to the processor. Remove the wire and replace U1.

NOTE pressing the ';' should release to brake for 5 seconds

  1. Verify voltage at U5-12 is 5.0vdc
  2. Hold ';' key and verify voltage at U5-12 is 4.9vdc
  3. Verify U5-2 is 10 +/- 1.5 vdc
  4. Verify U5-6 is -10 +/- 1.5 vdc

A failure here indicates a PCB problem:

Misc. Additional Commands
  1. Send the command "AP1000<CR>", verify rotor turns to North.
  2. Send the command "AI1;", verify the unit responds with ";000" +/- 3 degrees


  1. Verify that the meter will reach the full clockwise and counter clockwise deflections when the set pot is manipulated and R15 and the meter zero have been calibrated.
  2. If this fails, verify that U1-12 and U2-15 produce 0 to 5VDC as the set pot is monipulated
  3. Otherwise, verify that the resistance from U1-2 and U1-3 are approx 4.7k(+/- 500 ohms).  If one of these nets has a short in it, the unit will appear to work correctly with the exception of not hitting the endpoints
  4. Look for solder bridges in the nets that failed.


Verify orientation of diodes, IC's, capacitors.  Verify IC U1 is seated properly in the socket.

  1. Verify that +5vdc is across the two outer most terminals of the Set Pot. If this Pot is wired incorrectly fuse F1 will be blown.


  1. Verify Antenna has a good earth ground.
  2. Verify Pad "S" is  tied to the chassis.
  3. Verify Control box had a good earth ground.

These are the steady state values of the processor:

U1 pin 1 - 5vdc

U1 pin 2 - 5vdc (without rotor connected)

U1 pin 3 - 5vdc (without rotor connected)

U1 pin 4 - 5vdc

U1 pin 5 - 0vdc (dependent on R16)

U1 pin 6 - 0vdc 

U1 pin 7 - 0vdc (dependent on R17)

U1 pin 8 - 0vdc

U1 pin 9 - 2vdc

U1 pin 10 - 2Mhz sine wave

U1 pin 11 - 0vdc

U1 pin 12 - 2.5vdc (pwm, 8ms sqr wave )

U1 pin 13 - 5vdc (pwm, 8ms inverted impulse)

U1 pin 14 - 0vdc

U1 pin 15 - 0vdc

U1 pin 16 - 0vdc

U1 pin 17 - 5vdc

U1 pin 18 - 5vdc

U1 pin 19 - 0vdc

U1 pin 20 - 5vdc

U1 pin 21 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

U1 pin 22 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

U1 pin 23 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

U1 pin 24 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

U1 pin 25 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

U1 pin 26 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

U1 pin 27 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

U1 pin 28 - 5vdc (depending on Config.)

These are the steady state values of the analog switch:

U2 on the top-side of the device its self not the pads.

U2 pin 1 - 0vdc

U2 pin 2 - 5vdc

U2 pin 3 - 0vdc

U2 pin 4 - 5vdc (DON’T CARE)

U2 pin 5 - 5vdc

U2 pin 6 - 0vdc

U2 pin 7 - 0vdc

U2 pin 8 - 0vdc

U2 pin 9  - 0vdc

U2 pin 10 - 2.5vdc

U2 pin 11 - 5vdc

U2 pin 12 - 0vdc

U2 pin 13 - 5vdc

U2 pin 14 - 5vdc (pwm, 8ms inverted impulse)

U2 pin 15 - 2.5vdc (pwm, 8ms sqr wave )

U2 pin 16 - 5vdc

These are the steady state values of the Antenna position pot at different angles:

Angle       Pad-C      Pad-A       M2+      U2-15    U2-10

                Term 3     Term 7

                U1-2        U1-3

180(ccw) 0.0 vdc     4.2vdc      0.00v      0.0v       5.0v

270          2.8vdc      3.9vdc      0.08v      1.3v       3.8v

000          3.6vdc      3.6vdc      0.17mv   2.5v       2.5v 

090          3.9vdc      2.8vdc      0.24mv   3.7v       1.3v

180(cw)   4.2vdc      0.2vdc      0.33mv   5.0v       0.0v


Typically R16-R17 are fully ccw as view from top.  0vdc on wiper or U1-5, U1-7


4.04vdc    2.00vdc    220 Largest nominal angle that can be calibrated out by R16 

2.40vdc    4.00vdc    120 Smallest nominal angle that can be calibrated out by R17

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For Rotor-EZ product information please visit

Copyright Digital Audio Equipment
Last revised: January 20, 2002.